Norwood & Brixton Foodbank…

Norwood and Brixton Foodbank, news and updates for January 2021…

Prior to Christmas, our team of volunteers worked tirelessly and sometimes late into the evenings to ensure all our clients received their food parcels in time for Christmas day. This was a tremendous undertaking as we packed, loaded and delivered over 1,000 parcels across a three day period, four times the average of a standard day's workload. And it wasn't just food that was included with each parcel also containing wonderfully wrapped Christmas presents and of course our Christmas stars! We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported us by donating food, cash, presents and more. We also want to say a huge thank you to our brilliant volunteers without whom none of this would have been possible.

With the latest lockdown measures now in full force, more people will be facing severe hardship and will need the help of our food bank. We will continue to operate our delivery service for emergency food parcels to those in need. If you can support us with donations here's a list of items we urgently need.

Read more of the latest news here…..


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