St Margaret Hub Events. June 2022

Music of the World Celebration

On Friday 3rd June 2022, we connected with Little Big Peace Event to bring a wonderful event for the community of Streatham Hill.

We were delighted to see many community groups come together to celebrate the new youth music group lead by YouthSayers and the Little Big Peace Event. The eight children chosen for this project had 6 weeks to learn a new instrument, practice and then perform in front of a large crowd at the event on Friday June 3rd.

We invited the community of Streatham Hill.

We invited the local community to our Music of the world celebration and they didn’t let us down. Thank you to everyone who came along and brought a variety of delicious food and drink to share. If you would like to find out more about our future events, then please sign up to our newsletter.

YouthSayers Youth Band.

The youth music project lead by YouthSayers was a great example of the good work the Little Big Peace Event do in our community. We’re so lucky to be working with them on this and we’re happy to say this project will now continue in the future. Find out more about YouthSayers and what they do by clicking the button below.