Local churches offer jobseekers practical and emotional help…


Original Story Written by Brixton Blog on May 7th 2021

Local churches are joining a nationwide scheme to offer free weekly workshops to help unemployed people find work.

Managers running the workshops to equip people with the tools, skills and confidence to find work are specially trained by the UK charity Christians Against Poverty (CAP).

Some of those involved locally also work with the Norwood and Brixton foodbank.

Members of the local Beacon CAP Partnership wanted to help equip their local community to find employment in tough economic times and so underwent the specialised training from CAP.

Now they are offering the workshops to boost the job-hunting prospects of local unemployed people as everyone hopes the economy can begin to pick up again.

Club members follow an eight-week course that combines one-to-one consultations, group support and practical sessions covering topics such as identifying strengths, CV writing and interview techniques.

You don’t have to be a Christian to take part, the services is for everyone.

The Beacon CAP Partnership is one of more than 160 churches of different Christian traditions across the UK that will be running a CAP job club.

Job club manager Kelly Stephenson, who will lead the local workshops, said: “With more people facing long-term unemployment, there is a real need for a personal service which provides practical and emotional support for people to find work again.

“CAP job clubs are designed to do just this.

“We hope that we can help people to gain the confidence and skills they need to find employment, particularly for those who may have been out of work for a long period of time.”

The club will run weekly starting from 11am on Thursday 20 May at St Saviour’s church, Herne Hill Road, SE24 0AY.

To find out more, or to book a place, visit capjobclubs.org or email kelly@hernehillparish.org.uk

Christians Against Poverty, through a network of churches across the UK, also runs debt centres and budgeting courses.

These services are also free and available to all regardless of age, gender, faith or background. See the charity’s website for details.

The Beacon CAP Partnership runs an established debt centre with two debt coaches and helps many clients find freedom from debt each year.

To read this story on the Brixton Blog website, please click the button below.


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